Time To Shine - A Taster Of My New Book

Posted at 04:20am on 29th June 2015

I thought you might like to read a taster of my new book - a gentle psychological mystery - and see a photograph of the setting in Exeter.  The protagonist, Evie Adams, is the narrator in this passage, taken from Chapter 2

Arriving for work early one morning soon after my meeting with Julia Worth, I park my bike, as usual, in the passage at the side.  My counselling room, one of several used by practitioners in the group, is on the first floor of one of the ancient buildings in Cathedral Close.  Once the site of Roman baths and a basilica in the first and second centuries, this whole area at the heart of the city of Exeter continues to be a haven for both locals and tourists in pursuit of relaxation and renewal.  With nearly two thousand years of history at my feet, I am firmly of the opinion that the angels must have been smiling on me when they made this my place of work.  By anyone's standards it's awesome.

Supported, collaboratively, by a couple of GP's surgeries in the city, several local churches and, of course, the therapists themselves, the practice is thriving, the clientele plentiful and varied.  Each of us has their own mentor or supervisor to ensure high standards of professional procedure, but obviously there are times when, with all due respect for confidentiality, we discuss aspects of our work with one another.

Having secured my bike, I turn and bump into my colleague, Guy Sampson.

'What do you think makes a man dissatisfied with his lot, when he appears to have everything?' I ask without preamble, voicing the question that's uppermost in my mind.

Guy is one of the kindest men I've ever known: a gentle giant, with an invalid wife and plenty of reason for self-pity, but no hint of it.  Behind a bewhiskered face, he sports the twinkliest blue eyes anyone could imagine

'Whoa!' he replies with a smile.  'That's a big question.'

I grin.  Is that a subtle reproof, correcting my lack of finesse?  Not that I'm offended.  Guy's the sort of bloke that women find attractive on two fronts: he's a shoulder to lean on, but he also brings out all your maternal instincts.

'So?' I turn to retrieve my personal belongings from my saddle bag.

Guy's grin broadens, takes on an air of teasing.  'As someone who has everything, my only dissatisfaction is that there are others with little or nothing.'

I'm a little flummoxed.  Guy appears to have so little, so how can he say he has everything?  There's simply no comparison between him and the Carl Worths of this world.  Before I can comment, he relents.

'I take it that by everything you mean money and status?' he asks.  'But there are other riches in life.'

I'm not sure I'm any the wiser.  Even if Guy means richness of life options and relationships, he'd still be lacking, in my opinion, given the restraints Nancy's disabilities must impose upon them.  Frowning slightly, I begin to mount the stairs. 

'Add a beautiful wife and healthy kids to the money and status mix,' I continue, 'and -'

'And why should he want for more?' says Guy from behind me.



The first of the Evie Adams series, Time to Shine is a story of a marriage gone wrong, unruly children, a mystery and a murky past, with counselling, assertiveness, wholeness, and forgiveness as its themes.


A beautifully written and thoughtful book centred on relationships which will strike a chord with many people. Former Newspaper Editor & Author David Scott

Being a psychologist myself, I love to read novels about psychology and counselling. This book does not disappoint. Mel Menzies' portrayal of Evie Adams the counsellor is spot-on. Psychologist & Author Annie Try


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