Blog: Mel's Muse

Showing posts categorised as 'Brand'

The Power Of Platform: How To Promote Your Product Without Being Pushy

As a writer, and author of books, do you ever feel - as I have done - that when it comes to promoting your product, you simply don't have it in you? The prospect of booking speaking engagements is beyond you. The possibility of standing before an audience...

Posted at 08:02am on 6th November 2019

The Elevator Pitch: What Defines What & Why You Write?

In my last blog post, What Makes A Writer Write,  I mentioned the World Book Night event at Stoke Lodge, in Devon.  Invited to speak, briefly, to an audience of forty-plus about my own writing career, I began by saying that someone had asked me, ‘What is an elevator pitch?’ ...

Posted at 01:48am on 3rd May 2016

What Is Your Author & Book Brand?

Have you ever thought, as a reader, about what attracts you to certain books, or particular authors?  What makes you go for one rather than another?  Is it the book cover?  The price of the product?  The publisher’s marketing ploy?  The author’s nationality?

Somehow, I doubt it.  Almost certainly, it will...

Posted at 02:03am on 21st November 2014

The Reality Of Being An Author: Marketing

Last month, I wrote about a reader of my website, Skye, who had written to me for advice about her first self-published novel.  Her initial question was simply one of discouragement.  I say "simply", but there's nothing simple about the sense of isolation one can feel as an author.  And...

Posted at 08:15am on 3rd December 2011

Blogging Simplified: The What, Who, Why & How?

What follows is based on a talk I gave to my Writers' Group, to encourage them to be brave and try a new form of writing. ;)

WHAT is a blog?

The word comes from an abbreviation of weblog, and began as a form of online journaling.

WHO can blog?

Well, anyone, of course! Social media...

Posted at 17:49pm on 5th June 2010

A Personality Test: Can It Define Blog Brand, Niche & Writing Content?

Does it ever occur to you that who you are might define not only your blog brand and niche, but also the content and style of your writing? One of my readers wrote to me recently and, as part of her e-mail, made the following statements:

Just did the personality test on your website...
Posted at 18:30pm on 13th May 2010

Using Long Tail Keywords When Optimising Your Title In Article Writing & Blogging

In my last post on article writing and blogging – the first in this mini-series - I used (with permission) the correspondence that had taken place between me and my guest blogger, Lucy Cripps. As an ex-teacher, Lucy had kindly agreed to write a guest blog for me about her experience with peer education training,...

Posted at 01:00am on 9th April 2010

Four Tips On Article Writing & Blogging & One New Blogger

There are a number of basic skills in article writing and blogging, and rather than merely write another feature on each of them, it occurs to me that it may be helpful to readers to follow the process that I recently worked through in correspondence with an online friend. Let me explain.


Having learned,...

Posted at 11:36am on 8th April 2010

Essential Blogging Advice For Beginners

There may be those, as I have already said, who decry blogging as adding to the ‘misinformation and ignorance’ of the ‘digitally addicted’, but without doubt blogging has become the buzz word of the internet. Whether you’re blogging for profit or simply for fun, the aim of the game is always to attract more readers...

Posted at 11:04am on 23rd October 2008

Bring Words Of Hope - By Blogging

Revised 26th November, 2009

The article that follows was written in August 2008 when I had been blogging for little more than three weeks. For reasons which I’ll explain later (see below) I thought it worth adding to. But first, the article as it was:


Please bear with me. I’ve been...

Posted at 18:16pm on 7th August 2008

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Picked for a Purpose

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BBC Radio Devon Interview

Listen to me chatting to Dave Fitzgerald about my latest release, Chosen, on BBC local radio.

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