Blog: Mel's Muse
Showing posts categorised as 'Article Writing & Blogging'
Writing Defines Who I Am, Not What I Do!
When Fay Sampson, an author I’ve known and admired for many years, asked me to take part in a blog tour, naturally I was delighted to accept. When I heard that Donna Fletcher Crow - another author whose work I love to read - had participated - that clinched it. Both have...
Preparing A Presentation For An Authors' & Booksellers' Conference
I must apologise for leaving you dangling with only half of Mel's Online Book Club discussion summary for Rob Bell's Love Wins. The other part will be available soon, I promise.
I've been preparing my notes and Power Point slides for the presentation I shall be giving at a conference next...Do Recycled Articles Increase Traffic To Website?
Is your blog green? In an era when we’re being urged to recycle – well, pretty well anything, really – how do you recycle your blog articles? Do you, in fact, do so? Or are they, once you’ve written them, the equivalent of being un-biodegradable, as far as you’re concerned?
RECYCLED ARTICLES HAMMER HOME YOUR...Blogging Simplified: The What, Who, Why & How?

What follows is based on a talk I gave to my
Writers' Group, to encourage them to be brave and try a new
form of writing. ;)
The word comes from an abbreviation of weblog, and began as a form of online journaling.
WHO can blog?Well, anyone, of course! Social media...
Does Your Creative Writing Style Encourage A Relationship With Your Readers?

Is it ever a good idea, as a book author, to stop writing? This isn’t a trick question: I have a genuine interest in your views – especially those of you who subscribe to my blog and are regular readers of my articles – plus it may be something you should be asking yourselves....
A Personality Test: Can It Define Blog Brand, Niche & Writing Content?
Does it ever occur to you that who you are might define not only your blog brand and niche, but also the content and style of your writing? One of my readers wrote to me recently and, as part of her e-mail, made the following statements:
Just did the personality test on your website...Traditional Book Marketing Campaign V Marketing My Book Through Social Media

If you’re selling a product or service, can you conduct your business solely through social media? More to the point, if you’re an author, like me, can you sell books using only the internet? And if you replace the traditional means of marketing your books with internet marketing, are you in danger of throwing the...
Using Long Tail Keywords When Optimising Your Title In Article Writing & Blogging

In my last post on article writing and blogging – the first in this mini-series - I used (with permission) the correspondence that had taken place between me and my guest blogger, Lucy Cripps. As an ex-teacher, Lucy had kindly agreed to write a guest blog for me about her experience with peer education training,...
Four Tips On Article Writing & Blogging & One New Blogger

There are a number of basic skills in article writing and blogging, and rather than merely write another feature on each of them, it occurs to me that it may be helpful to readers to follow the process that I recently worked through in correspondence with an online friend. Let me explain.
BLOG BRANDHaving learned,...
BBC Radio Devon Interview
Listen to me chatting to Dave Fitzgerald about my latest release, Chosen, on BBC local radio.
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