Welcome to an Author's Look at Life
Thank you for visiting my website. My aim is always to inform, inspire, and encourage. Or, to put it another way, to comfort others with the comfort I've received. The drop down menu on Mel's Muse tab (or see below) lists resources on:
Creative Writing, Book Publishing, Public Speaking & Book Club Reviews
Bereavement, Divorce & Remarriage, Personal Growth & Relationships
Faith, Life & Other Stuff.
A regular contributor to Relationship Development & Transformation, I can be seen here being interviewed on Overcoming Adversity

Here's the formal Autobiography, and here the fun version.
Want a good read?
Time to Shine - first in the Evie Adams' series of novels - was a No 1 Bestseller in its category on Amazon. Family drama with a page-turning mystery solved by a counsellor, not a detective - see my Book Page for further details.
Time to Shine - first in the Evie Adams' series of novels - was a No 1 Bestseller in its category on Amazon. Family drama with a page-turning mystery solved by a counsellor, not a detective - see my Book Page for further details.
Click the button on the right to hear me on BBC Radio Devon, talking about the Evie Adams series. Or see Devon Life magazine where Chosen? was Book of the Month!
'What I like about Mel's writing,' says Annette Shaw, of Devon Life, 'is that she explores issues and problems we all face.'
'This novel not only entertains, it inspires,' says Pam Rhodes from BBC Songs of Praise.
'This novel not only entertains, it inspires,' says Pam Rhodes from BBC Songs of Praise.
Available now from my Book Page
Testimony combined with teaching, this book has already achieved commendations from David Coffey OBE, and others. And I'm particularly excited because I believe it has something to say to young people, cited by The Prince's Trust, as the 'unhappiest generation for decades'. As a result, I've dedicated the book and ALL proceeds to the charity.
Read this book and find hope rather than cliches, substance rather than slogans. Highly recommended. Jeff Lucas, Author, International Speaker & Broadcaster
BBC Radio Devon Interview
Listen to me chatting to Dave Fitzgerald about my latest release, Chosen, on BBC local radio.
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